Tone ≠ Tonal frequency

Tone ≠ Tonal frequency 
Color ≠ Color frequency 

There’s a common habit our dear Ra had where he would use the same word or keyword to describe different elements of design. Sometimes they mean obviously different things and other times the same terms have a relationship to each other but they are not the same, which can lead to confusion.

When Ra speaks of Color and Tone as the number values inside the hexagon and triangle in the variables, these are not actually the inner and exit frequencies between the neutrino and our crystals, although they are connected to these frequencies.

Their relationship is actually a formula of instruction:

The determination Color value (1-6) + The Tone left/right fixing = required method of intake to capture the crystal’s correct exit frequency.

This means that:
The Color as a number value from 1-6 in our sun/earth and nodes is *not* the actual exit frequency of the neutrinos from the crystal (although Ra refers to both as “color”). There is no way it can be, as our crystals’ frequencies are unique and cannot be given a generic value from 1-6.

On the design side, the number value of the Color and the left/right Tone fixing together point to the ideal method of intake of material/information/life + the ideal immediate surroundings for the vehicle in order to align the monopole so it can function correctly.
Thus, the “determination Color” is not the same thing as the “crystal Color frequency” although Ra refers to both by the same short term “Color”, yet they do have a relationship of instruction through the monopole.

Once aligned, the tonal frequency beneath the color frequency comes through and provides the monopole with the information it needs to connect correctly to the life - places, situations, people and movement - everything.
While providing it with a kind of shield from external conditioning.
The determination tone (1-6) points to the specific sensor that picks up on what can align the monopole through our intake + immediate surroundings. (Left or right color fixing)

Ra uses the term tone to describe the sensor, the crystal inner architecture and the instruction fixing interchangeably. Which confuses the hell out of people.

This correct color exit frequency is not about how we operate. It’s a conduit for our unique frequency (tonal frequency) and it is measured by how crisp and clear it is.

As an example -
My “right” sensor (4) is meant to align my monopole but only if I let it determine how to intake - Alternating in my case. The more I eat in an alternating fashion, the more my monopole gets calibrated and can pull the correct exit frequency. As it pulls the correct exit frequency it also pulls the correct tonal frequency, which allows it access to the body’s cognition, in my case displayed through inner vision. The more this happens the more my inner vision becomes more pronounced and is able to allow me to see remotely and more clearly in my mind’s eye.

The bottom line - The determination color needs to be followed as instructions in order for the monopole to be calibrated so it pulls the actual exit frequency correctly (color) and therefore receives the tonal architecture beneath it, which leads to our body-consciousness’s cognition, and ultimately to our overall cognition and unique outer authority.

It would have been much more clear if Ra called them Crystal Color/Tone vs Determination Color/Tone, thus preventing the confusion about it.


“The first thing to recognize about it is that there is a real difference between left Tones and right Tones. And it’s not so much that the real difference is a difference in the sense of how the Tones are different from each other per se, but there is this generic difference that left Tone leads to specific Color fixing and right Tone leads to specific Color fixing.
In other words, they bring out a very, very clear binary difference. So, obviously when you’re looking at right Tone there are many things to keep in mind—the alternating, closed, cold, nervous, low, indirect—that is part of what it is to be right, what it needs in order to fulfill its [crystal] architecture.”

[in other words - how the vehicle needs to intake in order to reach its cognitive potential.]

“The other thing is that these are the sensors. And remember that when we‟re looking at Tone we’re looking at seven senses: smell, taste, outer vision, inner vision, feeling, touch and sound. So when we’re looking here at the Solar Plexus binary we’re looking at two very different senses. To understand something about the nature of the [crystal] architecture is that the architecture is intended to be fulfilled through that sense.”

[In other words - the crystal “plan” can be reached by using our super sense.]

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